Unity Assets Bundle Extractor (UABE) is a stylish tool that allows editing asset bundles and .assets. It can export .assets files from bundles, import them back, modify most asset formats with plugins and dumps with type information and create a standalone installer from the modifications.
I tested this tool with any assets files which is usually located at "assets\bin\Data" and its working.
I included a 32bit and a 64bit version although it doesn't use much memory.
Installers created with the 64bit version can't be used on 32bit systems but an installer package can be exported from the 64bit version and imported in the 32bit version to create a 32bit installer.
Title : Assets Bundle Extractor Unity
Description : Unity Assets Bundle Extractor (UABE) is a stylish tool that allows editing asset bundles and .assets. It can export .assets files from bundl...
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